
ชื่อบทความ The Determinants of Thailand’s Road Vehicle Exports
ประเภทการตีพิมพ์ ประชุมวิชาการระดับนานาชาติ
ชื่องานประชุมวิชาการ/วารสาร International Conference on Sustainable Management and Innovation, ICOSMI 2020. IPB University, Indonesia (Online) (September 14-16, 2020)
ผู้แต่ง พิมใจ พรหมสุวรรณ
วันที่ตีพิมพ์/นำเสนอ 5 พ.ค. 2564
ปีที่ 2564
ฉบับที่ 1
หมายเลขหน้า 1-13
ลักษณะบทความ บทความวิจัยหรือบทความวิชาการที่ตีพิมพ์ในวารสารวิชาการที่ปรากฏในฐานข้อมูล TCI กลุ่มที่ 2
Abstract Abstract. Road vehicles, which are a major manufacturing export, can increase
employment and income for the Thai population. It has therefore necessitated the
effective integration of information and communication technologies to enhance
the comparative advantage in international markets. The research aims to
investigate the factors affecting Thailand’s road vehicle exports. The four factors
(foreign direct investment, exchange rate, openness, and GDP per capita) were
analyzed in the period 1980 to 2018. The findings from the cointegration test
shown that all four factors were positively related to road vehicle exports. The
impulse response functions present that the real exchange rate was essential for
road vehicle exports to grow from the third year onwards. A variance
decomposition analysisrevealed that GDP per capita and real exchange rate were
an important factor of the ten-year forecast for road vehicle exports, followed by
trade openness and foreign direct investment. Based on empirical research, the
growth rate of GDP per capita can help to expand production capacity and to
expedite exports. The depreciation of the Thai baht attracts more foreign
investment and demand for Thai products. The growth in trade openness and
foreign direct investment is also linked to increased export volume in this sector.
Therefore, to promote sustainable growth in vehicle sales, the government needs
to expand market destinations and entice foreign investors by offering more